*In Surah adh-Dhaariyaat we read that Hadrath Sara (as) 
struck her face when she was told that she would conceive 
a baby."Then came forward his wife in grief, she 
smote her face and said (what! I) An old barren 
woman?" Quran 51:29.
 The slapping of Prophet Ibraheem (as)'s wife Sara is 
proven from the Qur'an. The Qur'an tells us to adhere to 
the ways of the people of Ibraheem (as), so if the Shi'a 
beat themselves whilst mourning for Imam Hussain (a.s) 
such acts are lawful. 

*We also read in authority books that Prophet Yusuf [as] 
beat his head when he came to know about dismal 
situation of his father [Tafseer Kabeer V 5 p 158]

* Umer(r) beat his head 
over death of Numan ibn Muqran  [Aqd al Fareed V 2 p 5]

*Janab e Ayesha(r) along with other 
women beat their faces over Prophet's death [Tabari  
History V9 p 183] [Tarikhe kamil,v2.123]

*Uthman's(r.a) wives and daughter beat their 
faces over his death [Tareekh Kamil V 3 p 89] 


There is no harm in Khooni matam and i can proof it as per the book there is a saying that , "Rasoo allah" [a.s] in a War lost one of his tooth when this news came to saome Dyheart followerof Rosool Allah[a.s] (Owase Qarni)he also broke one off his tooth thinking that how can he stand in front of Rasool allah[a.s] with all his tooths' alright so he broke off his tooth then wile in the way he realised that if rasool allah's other tooth was broken then he again broke his other tooth then again realised the same so he insteard broke all foo his tooth when he came with mouth full of blood to Rasool [a.s] people said this man is mad self harming is haram im islam Rasool Allah [a.s]replied "I CAN SMELL THE SENT OF HEAVEN FROM THIS MAN AND HE IS GONA GET HEVEN AFTER HIS DEATH " so Brothers like this Khooni matam in the name of Imam Hussain is no harm and is no bad deed ... I thank u for reading this u can also clarify other questions just post it

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Download And Watch What is the related Fatwa Of Marjaa(islamic Leaders) On MatamZani

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Reality of Khoono matam and Related Misconceptions

               Saying 'Ya Ali Madad'

some times it is frequently asked by non-shia's that Why Shia Says"YA ALI MDD"?
As we know most of the time when Muslims are in trouble or they want to do a
difficult chore they say "Ya Ali Mudad". Can you explain in detail any reason about this.


This is a very important question again dealt with in the recently published
translation of the Contemporary Fatwas of Ayatullah Seestani (May Allah
Protect him and Preserve him).
The propriety of saying "Ya Ali Madad" depends entirely upon the intention
of the person who says it. 
If the help of Hadhrat Ali (A.S.) or any of the other ma'sumeen is sought as
an intercessor and a 'waseelah' envisaged by the Holy Qur'an in Ayah 35 of
Suratul Maidah then not only there can be no objection but it would be the
right and proper thing to do. 
But if help is sought in the belief that the person whose help sought shares
with Allah the right to create, sustain and
protect then the call for help might amount to 'shirk'.
The Ayah referred to above reads as follows:
"O you who believe ! Be mindful of your Duty to Allah, and seek a way to
approach him ((wab tagoo ilayhi waseelah).................." 

An appeal to the Deobandis

The Shi'a have distanced themselves from those Sahaba that subjected the Ahl'ul bayt (as) to ill treatment. Our position is clear and not negotiable.

Maudoodi states in his "Khilafat wa Mulukiyaat" page 233:

"With regards to those that fought Ali, Ali was more in the right". At the same time he fails to condemn those that opposed him

He says later on page 338 of the same book:

"The majority scholars commenting on Ali's stance, deem that he was the rightful Imam, no scholar has said anything different. The Hanafi Ulema agree with the majority scholars that Ali was right and his opponents were rebels".

Praising the concept of freedom of speech Maudoodi writes in the same book, page 263:

"Abu Hanifa felt that if anyone speaks ill of the rightful Imam, swears or intends to kill him, no action can be taken against him, no one can be indicted nor imprisoned UNTIL he practically implements rebellion". 

We would urge the Minhajj and their fellow Deobandis to contemplate this reference. Allow us to benefit from the freedom of speech that your Imam Abu Hanifa had advocated. The Shi'a do not use foul language nor do we intend on spilling blood BUT we will speak out to defend the truth, why should we be prohibited from condemning Imam Ali (as)'s opponents? We refuse to desist from such an approach; we the Shi'a have separated from such individuals. As far as we are concerned the matter is straightforward. If one party is on the path of truth then the other party is on the path of falsehood. If the Sunni Ulema despite this fact have deemed those in the wrong as worthy of praise since they exercised Ijtihad, for which they shall be forgiven and awarded, ignoring the scores that were killed and failing to apportion blame - then that is their problem not ours. It is indeed regrettable that these 'Ulema' have issued takfeer against the Shi'a because we refuse to join them in this approach.


  1. bro mujhe ye maalom karna hai kiya shia ki namaz jo hai wo RASOOL ALLAH (S.A.W.W) ny parhi thi yaa nhn???

  2. i m shia but i want proved matam by quran
